Sunday, April 6, 2014

Bonds - LPS April Mood

I loved the colours in this months Mood Challenge from Life.Paper.Scrapbook.  I created a layout with a bit of advice for my son on what his sisters will mean to him in the future and to try and show more love, rather than just being frustrated with having two little sisters.  Thanks for looking and for any comments you might leave - they are appreciated.

Just For Fun with a Big Bow

I mentioned that I have been suffering from a lack of mojo.  Well I started playing with my mists and watercolours, and just getting messy, and now I am back to wanting to scrap all the time.  I just don't care if it isn't exactly as I saw in my head, I just go with it and count it as another layout done.

Anyway, I sat down last week when I was sick to do the same - just play, and ended up creating this layout. I always struggle with embies, and what to put where, but decided to try a big bow after having read the latest issue of  Jot.  When I saw their call for layouts with big bows, I though - "not me", but then when I saw the layouts from the DT, well I changed my mind.  I love the addition of the bow on this one. It's a layout about my youngest daughter who just loves clothes, shoes and accessories.  I'm sure if she could wear more than 1 pair of shoes at a time, the way she does headbands, she would do that too...